Pitti Palace Inside

Things to See Inside Palazzo Pitti

Palazzo Pitti is a massive Renaissance palace located in the heart of Florence, Italy. The palace was built in the 15th century for a wealthy merchant family, the Pitti family, and was later acquired by the ruling Medici family. Today, it serves as a museum and cultural center, attracting visitors from all over the world.

Inside the palace, visitors can explore a vast array of galleries, each with its own unique character and theme. The Palatine Gallery, for example, is home to an extensive collection of Renaissance art, including works by Raphael, Titian, and Rubens. The Gallery of Modern Art, on the other hand, features paintings and sculptures from the 18th and 19th centuries. Other highlights of the palace include the Royal Apartments, which were once used by the Medici family and their successors, and the Costume Gallery, which houses a stunning collection of historic clothing and accessories. Visitors can also wander through the Boboli Gardens, a sprawling park located behind the palace that features fountains, sculptures, and picturesque views of the city.

The Palatine Gallery

The Palatine Gallery in Palazzo Pitti is one of the most impressive galleries inside the Palace, containing a vast collection of Renaissance art. The gallery is located on the second floor of the palace and features works by some of the most famous artists of the period, including Raphael, Titian, and Rubens. One of the highlights of the gallery is the series of rooms known as the Salone degli Specchi, or the Hall of Mirrors, which features stunning frescoes and intricate stucco work.

The Royal Apartments

The Royal Apartments in Pitti Palace were once used by the Medici family and their successors, and are now open to the public as part of the museum. Visitors can wander through the opulent rooms, which feature ornate furnishings, tapestries, and artwork. Some of the most impressive rooms include the Throne Room, the White Room, and the Room of the Elements.

The Gallery of Modern Art

The Gallery of Modern Art in Pitti Palace features paintings and sculptures from the 18th and 19th centuries. The collection includes works by some of the most important Italian artists of the period, including Canova, Fattori, and Hayez. One of the most famous paintings in the gallery is Giovanni Boldini's Portrait of Marchesa Luisa Casati, a striking image of a glamorous and eccentric aristocrat.

The Costume Gallery

The Costume Museum in Palazzo Pitti is located on the lower level of the Palace, and features a stunning collection of historic clothing and accessories. The collection includes garments worn by members of the Medici family, as well as costumes and textiles from the 16th to the 20th centuries. Visitors can admire the intricate embroidery and beading on the garments, as well as the elaborate hairstyles and accessories worn by the wealthy and fashionable.

The Silver Museum

The Silver Museum is located on the second floor of Palazzo Pitti, and features a vast collection of silverware and decorative objects. The collection includes everything from ornate table settings to intricate jewelry, and offers a fascinating glimpse into the luxurious lifestyle of the Medici family and their contemporaries. One of the most impressive pieces in the museum is the Medici Diamond, a large and ornate diamond brooch that was once owned by the Medici family.

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The Porcelain Museum

The Porcelain Museum is located on the first floor of Palazzo Pitti, and features a collection of decorative porcelain objects from Europe and Asia. The collection includes pieces from some of the most famous porcelain makers of the 18th and 19th centuries, including Meissen, Sèvres, and Ginori. Visitors can admire the intricate designs and patterns on the delicate pieces, as well as the impressive skill and craftsmanship required to create them.

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The Bardini Garden

The Bardini Garden is located next to the Boboli Gardens and is a less visited, but equally beautiful, park. The garden features a mix of Italian Renaissance and English Romantic styles and offers stunning views of the city. Visitors can explore the many paths and stairways that wind through the park, stopping to admire the various fountains, sculptures, and flower beds.

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The Museum of Carriages

The Museum of Carriages is located on the ground floor of Palazzo Pitti, and features a collection of historic carriages and transportation devices. The collection includes carriages used by the Medici family and other members of the Italian aristocracy, as well as early bicycles, cars, and other forms of transportation. Visitors can learn about the development of transportation technology over the centuries, and admire the intricate details and craftsmanship of the carriages and other objects.

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The White Room

The Sala Bianca is a famous ballroom located in Palazzo Pitti, which was originally designed by architect Filippo Brunelleschi. The room has been used for numerous fashion shows and events, including the first-ever Italian fashion show in 1951. Visitors can admire the beautiful frescoes and intricate decorations on the walls and ceiling, and imagine the grand balls and events that have taken place in the room over the centuries.

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The Palazzo Pitti Archaeological Museum

The Palazzo Pitti Archaeological Museum is located in a separate building next to the palace and features a collection of ancient artifacts and objects. The collection includes items from ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt, as well as artifacts from the Etruscan and Tuscan civilizations. Visitors can learn about the history and culture of these ancient civilizations, and admire the intricate artwork and design of the objects on display.

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The Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre

The Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre is located in the Palazzo Pitti complex and is a small, but beautiful, chapel that was built in the 17th century. The chapel is modeled after the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and features a stunning altar and dome. Visitors can admire the intricate details and decoration of the chapel, and take a moment to reflect and appreciate the beauty and serenity of the space.

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The Hall of Niches

The Sala delle Nicchie is a room located in the Palazzo Pitti that features a series of niches built into the walls. The niches once held a collection of small statues and other decorative objects, and the room is now used to display temporary exhibitions and other events. Visitors can admire the unique architecture and design of the room, and appreciate the many intricate details and decorations.

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The Pietro Annigoni Museum

The Pietro Annigoni Museum is located in a separate building next to Palazzo Pitti and is dedicated to the life and work of the famous Italian painter Pietro Annigoni. The museum features a collection of his paintings, drawings, and other works of art, and offers a fascinating glimpse into his artistic style and creative process. Visitors can learn about Annigoni's life and career, and appreciate the beauty and power of his artwork.

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Facts of Palazzo Pitti

  • Palazzo Pitti is a vast Renaissance palace located in the heart of Florence, Italy.
  • It was originally built for the wealthy banker Luca Pitti in the mid-15th century and was later purchased by the Medici family in the 16th century.
  • Today, the palace houses a number of museums and galleries, including the Palatine Gallery, the Royal Apartments, and the Museum of Modern Art.
  • The Palatine Gallery features a stunning collection of Renaissance art, including works by Raphael, Titian, and Caravaggio.
  • The Royal Apartments are a series of rooms decorated in the ornate Baroque style and were once used by the Medici family and other members of the Italian aristocracy.
  • The Museum of Modern Art features a collection of 19th and 20th-century art, including works by Italian artists such as Modigliani and Morandi.
  • The Boboli Gardens in Pitti Palace are located behind the palace and offer stunning views of the city. They are one of the oldest and most beautiful gardens in Italy, featuring a mix of Italian Renaissance and English Romantic styles.
  • The Museum of Carriages is located on the ground floor of the palace and features a collection of historic carriages and transportation devices.
  • The Palazzo Pitti Archaeological Museum is located in a separate building next to the palace and features a collection of ancient artefacts and objects.
  • The Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre is located in the Palazzo Pitti complex and is a small, but beautiful, chapel that was built in the 17th century. It is modelled after the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and features a stunning altar and dome.
  • The Pietro Annigoni Museum is located in a separate building next to Palazzo Pitti and is dedicated to the life and work of the famous Italian painter Pietro Annigoni.

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FAQ’s for Palazzo Pitti

What is Palazzo Pitti Inside?

Palazzo Pitti is a grand palace in Florence, Italy that was once home to the powerful Medici family. Today, it houses several museums and galleries, including the Palatine Gallery, Royal Apartments, Silver Museum, and Museum of Modern Art.

What are the opening hours of Palazzo Pitti Inside?

Palazzo Pitti is open every day from 8:15 am to 6:50 pm, with the last admission at 6:00 pm. However, the opening hours of individual museums and galleries within the palace may vary.

What is the best time to visit Palazzo Pitti Inside?

The best time to visit Palazzo Pitti is during the low season (November to March), when there are fewer tourists and shorter lines. However, keep in mind that some of the outdoor attractions, such as the Boboli Gardens, may be closed during this time.

How long does it take to visit Palazzo Pitti Inside?

It takes at least a few hours to explore all of the museums and galleries inside Palazzo Pitti. If you also want to visit the Boboli Gardens, plan on spending a full day at the palace.

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Can I take pictures inside Palazzo Pitti?

Photography is allowed in some parts of Palazzo Pitti, but is prohibited in other areas. 


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